All poster presenters are required to print a physical poster to display in Niagara Falls.  Additionally, you can upload a virtual poster to the online Poster Gallery as early as June 5. Each virtual poster will have a discussion forum for participants to ask questions and provide comments.

If you have been selected for an Oral Presentation, you do not have a poster presentation.  Do not prepare a poster.  One presentation per presenter.

Please review the conference policies and code of conduct that apply to all presenters. Presenters are responsible for following these guidelines. 

Virtual Posters
Virtual posters are optional. Presenters can upload a .pdf poster file. You may also upload a pre-recorded 2-3 minute video presentation of your poster (optional).

Important Requirements for .pdf Posters:

  • Limit of 5 MB for .pdf
  • Orientation: Portrait or Landscape
  • Quality: 300 DPI
  • Large and Bold print is more visually pleasing virtually for the viewer
  • URLs and short audio/video fragments can be included in the poster. These links should open in a new window (not embed in the poster.)
  • Poster upload will begin June 5. You will receive an e-mail with instructions for how to upload.

Important Requirements for Pre-recorded Video Posters:

  • Your pre-recorded poster presentation should be 2-3 minutes, and no longer than 3 minutes.
  • The video must be a YouTube or Vimeo link.
  • Instructions to upload your video presentation along with your .pdf poster will be sent via email.

Printed Posters
All posters must be printed; paper is recommended. Make sure posters are printed portrait orientation.

NOTE – follow the dimensions below to ensure your poster fits on the display board.  These dimensions are NOT standard AO Portrait. 

  • Height = 1067mm
  • Width = 762mm
  • Push-pins will be provided, or you can bring your own
  • Posters will be hung vertically 

Poster Sessions
There are (4) scheduled poster sessions during the conference. You will receive your assigned session(s) date/time and your poster number via e-mail. More information regarding the Poster Sessions will be provided in late May. 

Poster Timeline

  • May 16: Poster abstract submission deadline
  • May 25: Deadline for oral presenters to be registered and paid
  • June 1: Deadline for posted presenters to be registered and paid
  • June 5: Virtual poster upload is available
  • June 19: Begin hanging printed posters at NFCC; based on your Poster Session
  • June 19 - 22: Poster Presentations
  • September 30: Virtual posters will remain viewable online through September 30

If you have questions, contact us at